jalan itik (:

hari yg memalukan bg aku,
arini 2oct larh.
tyme cegu bm td, cikzailina
act rabu lepas dye dh suh kteowng bwt kejaa.
bm paper2 trial ngeri perlis pnye,
dye nk ari jmaat siap.
egt kan aku,kecik,byng,zeti,nurl jee tak siap ouh.
rupe nyaa whole clss.
bile cegu tnye spe tak siap bdri dpan.
sume bgnn. haha
takde spe punn ddk.
cegu dh hangin,dye punn denda lah kteowg.
egat kn mcm slalu,
biase nyaa kteowng kne katuk ketampi berirama.
rupe nya laen lah pulak.
kena jalan itik.
malu shioot.
jln itik kart aras kteorg lah,
dh laa ada bebdk f4.
malu oiiiiii.
lg memalukan sume suh aku jd leader.
walaweh, maluuuuuuuuu
dgn hati yg tbuka,
aku lah yg setat dlu.
pas jln itik kaki sume dh cact dh.
jln kaki straight jee.
tp enjoy laa bajar td,
gelakgelak sme cegu.
tengsss cegu (: ily


skunk nih aku nga lyn novel nih.
mmg bes gilakk.

marc antony

As I look into your eyes
I see all the reasons why
My lifes worth a thousand skies
Youre the simplest love Ive known
And the purest oneIll own
Know youll never be alone
My baby you
Are the reasonI could fly
And cause of you
I dont have to wonder why
Baby you
Theres no more just getting by
Youre the reason I feel so alive
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground


ta phmm btul dgn bdk lakilaki zmn nih.
tataw cane nk gtaw erkk
1.sukesuke ckpp bnde yg ta btul.
2.ske menunding jari dkat owgg.
3.tuduhtuduh pulak tuh.
4.tak bg penyataan yg btul.
ntah sbnarnyaa bdkbdk laki zmn skrg nih pndai period dh kooott.
penin pale doee pk pk.
klu e2 jeea reason sbb dye dh tanak aku
its okee la hunney,
bule ckpp jeea doe.
aku tawu laa skunk nih aku bzyy
kkdg2 ta sempat nk reply mst or calling pun.
tp tayah laa smpai tuduh aku nih adee PAKWEE
stupid reason laaa
i noe youu.
its ok, asalkn yuu bhgie dgn sapesape je yg dh amek ati youu skunk


16sept2009 :
paper last TRIAL.
tyme nih rse bess gela hui.pas exm kteowng merayau kart sume blok skulah.
lepas tension ouh.
act tadea tension mne.
bab kteowng sumee dpt suklan bocor.
yg bg aku tension nye cegu bg paper pulakk.
stndard laa tuh.
kire spe dpt lbih spoloh pun dkire hebat.
LK mmg jatuh gela babs.
BM PAPER2 dpt 72/100
adoyy. hancur sumeee cane nk msuk matrikulasi nihh
skunk menunggu paper SEJ & AWAM
e2 dua subjekk yg aku target FAIL pas jwb exm.
klu +MATHS FZK KIM tuh tayah ctee laa.
btw, cuti rayaa nk dkat
sonok ble ctee ngn mmbe pasl raya
tp tak sonok bab dkt exm :(

at first by marci parker

At first, remember how you promised?
It would be soft and tender,
A loving feeling to remember.
But, instead . . .
You made me feel like a whore,
My body laid out in front of your eyes to adore.
And I wondered how this could be,
We were finally together, you and me
I was only a piece of flesh,
No loving thing
,And that was the night this angel was stripped of her wings.
You hurt me, caused pain
And what was I to gain?
This tiny life that is inside,
When I found out I could have died.
Something that once had the chance to be so sweet
Turned out to be nothing to you but a piece of meat.
The pain I felt,
My heart you made melt.
This pain can never be recovered,
Because I will always have a reminder of my first lover.
Something he will not see for a while.
He does not know that we made a child.

hard word to say by hope

Why can’t you say the word
The hurtful word goodbye
How long can I linger
How much longer will I cry
Have I played the fool
Been a fool long enoughYes,
I do know this,Yet good-byes are really rough
A word I do not likeI would rather say g’day
Waiting, patiently, lingering
Still on my mind you prey
I know it will be hardGood-byes are what
I fearStill open without closures
I dry up another tear
One day it will come
Maybe soon that fateful dayI still think its difficult
so hard to say